Saturday, February 12, 2011


So last night I had a two part dream. Perhaps it was more just in two parts since they weren't really related in any way except for the fact that I was in both. They were both so vivid though that I woke up wondering if either or even both had happened.

Dream 1
This was is not as in depth as the second. I remember starting the dream in a gun fight of sorts. And the person I was with was The Rock. He was moving all Jason Bourne like and it was odd. I was running around with him as people fired on us. Then he got into hand to hand combat with this bad guy and ended up getting hit into a table. The bad guy then came after me and the Rock shot him. That was the first dream. Odd huh?

The last dream ended around 4 something this morning when I woke up suddenly. I turned back over and went back to sleep and this is what then happened.

Dream 2
I was at Disney World even though it didn't look like it. I just knew that is where I was. I was then suddenly in my own wedding but it was not a wedding where I knew the groom but one that had been arranged between my parents and his. I was at the alter waiting for him and then he came in a white tux. I don't remember much about him excet that he had spiked hair that seemed to be dyed blonde more than it's actual color.

Then suddenly the ceremony was over and I had to take part in this weird play outside in a gazebo that everyone in the ceremony could see. It was something about bringing me to meet the mother. My bridesmaids were there but it was his sister, her best friend, another girl and her best friend. The mother came around and looked at me and said "You will need to get all napkin choices approved by me."

I looked at her and told her "Any choices in my household will be made by me. You can have an opinion but that is about it." Then I walked off.

So those were my two dreams. Odd huh? I haven't seen anything with the Rock in it recently, especially not fighting like that. -laughs- Who knows? Dreams are odd and sometimes are just that....dreams. No meaning, no deep background....just dreams.

Ah well. Thought I would share. :-)