Thursday, October 22, 2009

Inner Conflict

Hey guys,

So it has been a while since I have been on here writing. I have something to write now and I feel that I need to get it out of my system. A friend of mine is in an abusive relationship. I have made it clear to her that I think she should get a restraining order against her boyfriend but it upset her. I have been speaking to her though about other things. She needs her friends around her and she doesn't need me to pound it into her what I feel she should do. It ultimately comes down to the fact that she has to do what is right. I can't do that for her. It is just hard, as a friend, to sit back and see your friend affected physically and emotionally and not in a good way and not do anything.

So I have prayed a lot about it and basically come to the conclusion that I have to just be a friend and let her know that I am here if she needs to talk. I will also continue praying for her and for her safety. Besides that I have to just let go and let God.

So that is what I have to write about at this time. If I get any updates I will post them but just keep in mind that when people come to work they have a life outside of work that affects them greatly at work. Someone may snap at you, yell at you, or just be rude, and granted it isn't ok but there may be a huge reason why they are acting that way. Take that into account before snapping back. They may just need a safe haven and a friend that cares.

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