Sunday, April 26, 2009

A GREAT Weekend!!

So this weekend was a BLAST. I was on my bike as often as I could. I had a couple of close calls, or what I would feel are close calls. Nothing big but enough to get my heart pumping. But I went on new roads and in new areas and I did well. I think I just have to continue building my confidence on the bike.

Dad took the windshield off my bike this weekend under Paul and Robin's suggestion just to see if I would like it. I LOVED it. I did find that I am going to have to strengthen my back and my neck muscles because the wind pulls my head all over the place. So when I rode today before coming home I really tried to hold my torso and my head still. I think I did a good job. Then again I may wake up tomorrow and be unable to move my head but hey.....we shall see what happens. lol

I also got a new pair of glasses Thursday and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I feel cute....I feel professional. I feel professionally cute. -grins- Yup...that's right. Professionally cute.

And best of brother wasn't really happy with the direction of the company he was working with some he put some feelers out, got a few bites, went through a crazy crazy interview session. It was like 7 steps or something!!! I am glad I haven't had to go through something that intense.

Anyway, the happy news, he got the job today!! They called him and offered him the job!!! He will be closer to his house, which will be nice, and I think it is going to work out wonderfully. Paul is UBER talented and REALLY good at what he does. He has mad ninja skillz with his job and I am very, VERY proud of him. He has amazing people skills, people are drawn to him and I think that is a God given talent as well.

He is going to ROCK at his new job....and it does help he knows how to add the "24" ring. :-)

Congrats Paul. I am proud of you!! Love ya and have a blast tomorrow at work!

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