Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008,... Hello 2009

So my first blog of 2009. You can tell I am living on the edge. :-)

Well I watched the NYC Ball drop and I have to say that it is always is so cool and yet part of me is so sad. I am saddened to see Dick Clark in the shape he is in. And yet at the same time I am so inspired by him being there, by him continuing to do what he loves.

I also get sad thinking about all that happened and didn't happen in 2008. I think of the loss of a beloved pet, Hercule. I think of how he was with us last year at this time and now he has gone on to a better place.

But I also know that in 2008 great things happened. Robin and Paul got Sam, a Pomeranian puppy. He is a cute puppy that everyone falls in love with over and over again. My mom and dad also adopted a cat, Daisy, from the SPCA. So not only did they get a new cat but they saved a cat and gave her a wonderful home where she will be loved and cared for. is a new year. New things ahead of us....ahead of me, the town I live in, the state and it's people, the country and the world. And yes, at times like these we think about new beginnings, the future and the past, we think about what will happen and what has happened. But I guess each day that we wake up is a new beginning for each of us. We don't have to make new years resolutions about losing weight, doing this, and doing that. Each day, we should wake up and strive to do the best we can.....whether in personal or professional life.

Each day should be a new beginning, a new start....and shouldn't each day we wake up....shouldn't we be just as excited, just as elated as when that crystal ball drops in NYC? I think so. Each day is a new dawn, a new day to take on the challenges we have before us. But instead of meeting them with fear and trepidation, let's go at them with excitement and new life.

Let's take on the world!!

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