Saturday, January 24, 2009


So am update on my car....I still have the rental. -sighs- I called Thursday and they said that it would be done that night. I told them I would then be in the following day (Friday) to get my car. Then on Friday I left work early because it said they closed at 5 and it was a 2 and a half hour drive to Portsmouth. I got there and I didn't see my car which made my stomach drop. I then went inside and they said it still wasn't ready and asked if I had received a phone call. I told them I hadn't but I told them about the phone call the day before. They said it wasn't ready but they would try for Saturday. Called them today and it still wasn't done and then I called back and asked if it would be easier to pick it up next Saturday. He said with obvious relief "Yes". So I have the charger for another week. I don't mind it and I know that it isn't the shops fault but 2 weeks for work? And then to tell me it should be done? I want my car back!!! :-(

Will keep ya updated!

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