Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It just keeps falling

The snow is still falling. STILL. Look in my pictures to see pictures throughout the day today and tonight. I am kinda hoping for a snow day tomorrow but I doubt I will be that lucky.

I can still wish though.


Ok so people that know me know my favorite video game is....*everyone yells together* ...HALO!!!! Yay I love Halo. I love the music, I love the game, I love the XBL play that is available. It is the best game ever. And although I do love this game....I do NOT love it this much.

Please watch. Granted good for them but even I am not THAT fanatical.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cool Interview

I saw a really cool video interview that I thought I would share. It is a round table discussion with several big names from movies that talk about everything from movies, to their rough pasts, to how Obama's presidency is going to affect the movie industry.

It was interesting to see them just speaking candidly with each other and answering questions like "Do you google yourself?" and then to hear their answers. It was also cool to see more of who they are and not their movie personas and who they appear to be in movies or on the red carpet.

It was a very cool set of videos and if you have the time, definately worth watching.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Servers Down

So today we were having computer problems....again. I could get email open and shoot out a couple of emails but it was taking an uber long time. Then everything went down. We had no internet and no email all day. And then in the afternoon they wnated us to shut down our computers all together so I couldn't even do word processing. :-( I don't think I realized how dependent I am on my computer until I didn't have it.

What made me a bit upset was the fact that the guy that is supposed to be over our network didn't even show up in the building. Granted I know that not everything has to be done in person but the server for our building is in our building. And we got a call and then an announcement saying that he wanted all computers completely and totally shut down.

We did have a person come in and work on it and then he left and another person came in to work on it and when I left it still wasn't fixed. Now I don't know much about servers and such but one would think it would be WITH the computer guy, not in each individual building but again....I honestly don't know much. Then the first guy that came in was there for at least 2 hours and they had to call in another person. I kinda got that they thought it was through a company but am not really sure.

Oh well. Hopefully it will be back up tomorrow.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


So am update on my car....I still have the rental. -sighs- I called Thursday and they said that it would be done that night. I told them I would then be in the following day (Friday) to get my car. Then on Friday I left work early because it said they closed at 5 and it was a 2 and a half hour drive to Portsmouth. I got there and I didn't see my car which made my stomach drop. I then went inside and they said it still wasn't ready and asked if I had received a phone call. I told them I hadn't but I told them about the phone call the day before. They said it wasn't ready but they would try for Saturday. Called them today and it still wasn't done and then I called back and asked if it would be easier to pick it up next Saturday. He said with obvious relief "Yes". So I have the charger for another week. I don't mind it and I know that it isn't the shops fault but 2 weeks for work? And then to tell me it should be done? I want my car back!!! :-(

Will keep ya updated!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I am so excited Jack Bauer is back. I have missed him greatly and have worried how our nation would get along without him. -sighs- And he looks GREAT in a suit. If you haven't seen it watch it!! Totally worth it. Fox at 9. GO JACK!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So this is what I woke up to this morning. My rental car covered in snow. Completely and totally covered. So I couldn't get out and I waited and waited for the plow and he didn't come. So around 1 pm (yes, 1 pm) I decided to take a shower and guess what? YUP. He showed up. -sighs- So I cut my shower short, dried my hair quickly with the towel, brushed my teeth then yanked on clothing and ran out to move my car. My hair froze while I stood, watching him plow.

Oh the fun. But hwen he was done I just stood there and listened. And it was perfect. It was so silent. So calming. You could hear the snow falling. It was beautiful. Sometimes it is worth it.

Well I look out the window now and it is snowing once again. I am adding more pics in my album of the trees and I am sure I will have more pictures tomorrow.

Love to all!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New RED Video


UBER cold

So as I am sure most of you is freaking COLD. When I opened the door this morning at 8:10 to let the kiddos into school it was -10. So yeah....uber cold. Just thought I would share

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Some of you know the Christian group Red. I REALLY love this group and really enjoy their music. Well they have a new album coming out and they just recently released 2 new singles off the new album. I always worry when a group I like comes out with new albums because I am never sure I will love it as much as the original. But I loved the first 2 songs and I heard the third one tonight and it is AWESOME!!!

Here is a link to the video so please watch and enjoy. But warning...they are a harder group. This group is very hard driving group. Anyway, enjoy the video. Can't wait for the whole album to come out!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More snow

So today was a great day and now I am looking out the window and we are getting more snow. We supposedly had a winter weather warning up here from 4pm to 3 am. Who knows how much we will actually get but there is a ton already. I am going to try and take pictures of the area around here so that all can see just how much snow we have gotten. I love snow and and I love winter but since my accident I have been a bit more nervous in the snow.

I am sure all will be ok though and we probably won't get much anyway.

Then tomorrow I am going to Concord with a fellow teacher to go to a conference. She is driving because I have the rental car and I don't want to risk it but I hate others driving. HATE IT. If it is my family that is one thing but others....just isn't comfortable to me. But I am sure all will be fine and the day will go great.

Also tonight was the new American Idol. I have been laughing at some of the singers but I was a bit irritated that some of these people have gotten through. But oh well...doesn't mean they will be in the competition, it just means they are going to Hollywood to be shot down there. :-D Can't wait.

Alright....well have a great evening and be careful out on those roads!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mr Rogers

Hey all,

I am not sure about everyone else but one of the shows I watched as a child is Mr Rogers. It was a very simple show that taught children it was ok to be themselves. Well anyway, here is an article about Mr Rogers and a few facts about him.

So enjoy. :-)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This Weekend

So I went home this weekend to take my car in for repairs. I am really glad it is getting fixed because I always felt like it had this wound that had not been tended yet. A guy was trying to help me clean off my car the other day and I was wincing each time he got near the front left side of the car.

So I went into the auto shop and they were going to give me a rental. Now my insurance covers up to $30 a day which I think is great. I was worried I was going to be given some little clown car that I would be humiliated driving around in. Now my parents always say "Amy, it is free. And it is only a week so I am sure it will get you where you want to go" or something like that. But when the guy said all he had was a Dodge Charger and was that ok....I was ECSTATIC!

So now I have a silver Dodge Charger which is pretty darn cool. Only thing is that it is a 4 door and therefore a tank compared to my car. It just feels like a HUGE car. It is fun to drive another car though and see how it drives, what I do and don't like about it etc.

Will definately keep you updated on how it goes this week.

Everyone, have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snow Day

So I was woken up this morning by a phone call telling me we had a snow day. YES!!!! I was so excited. So am just chillin now. For those that went to work...please be careful. I can hear the ice outside hitting the windows and that is NEVER a good sign. So please be careful.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Own Dog

I spoke with my brother today and I told him about a decision I have come to.

I think one day, maybe not soon, maybe far down the road, but one day I will get a dog. I can't tell you if it will be big or little. But I can tell you that it will be adopted from a shelter. There are several dogs I like. I am drawn to Huskies, Labs, and Rottweilers.

I think if I had my choice I would actually lean toward a Rotty if I felt I could give it a good home. I think they are so misunderstood and feared and I want people to see they are wonderful dogs that have been given a bad rap.

Anyway, I think it will just be up to fate and God and me. When I see the right dog and the time is right, I will get it. But until then.....I will just watch Dog Whisperer and Dogtown and be amazed.

Oh, and play with Sam. :-)


This is a new show that I have just recently started watching that is on NatGeo. I don't watch it as religiously as I do the Dog Whisperer but it is a good show. The show I saw today was about the Michael Vick dogs. 23 dogs were taken to the care takers on Dogtown and they all had various emotional and physical issues.

The dogs had physical scars from the fighting that they had been forced to go through. One of the dogs had been forcably bred so the dog had no teeth. One of the dogs would slink around, terrified of people, not wanting to be touched, just...slinking away, looking terrified all the time.

People at the time had been screaming for the dogs to be put down. That they were beyond saving. But those at Dogtown didn't believe they. They believe all animals should be given a chance. They worked hard to work with the dogs and bring them back to where they needed to be.

Happily to say the dog that had no teeth learned to trust others and was able to be adopted by a loving home. The small dog that would slink around found a doggy friend at the place that he began to play with and not fight with or fear of being attacked by. There was another dog that the courts had said would never be adoptable and that it had to stay there and even that was a happy ending with the dog being more socialized and being able to work with the people there at the shelter.

It was a nice story but it reminded me of the evil in this world as well as the good. Why would someone take an animal and force them to fight for their own profit? How could a person with a shred of love and caring in them do that? It makes me sick.

But then there are those at the shelter that took care of the dogs, took them in, showed them the love and caring they needed and showed them how to just be dogs. It was wonderful to see how those at the shelter truly loved the dogs and never gave up on them. And now, because of those wonderful people, the dogs were adoptable animals that could be just dogs....loving, loyal dogs.

There are very evil people out there but there are so many more good people. We always hear about how we are destroying the environment but there are so many unspoken of people that are doing everything to help.

So hats off to those that work on Dogtown. And one, not even dogs, are beyond help.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


As everyone knows I am UBER excited about the new X-Men movie. The title is X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Now I like Wolverine but he is not the reason I am SO excited. I am so so excited because Gambit is in this one and he looks GREAT. The attitude is there, the way he carries himself, even the smirk. And I got all of that from the trailer. It comes out May 1st and I absolutely can't wait for it to be in theaters so I can see Gambit.

Here is the trailer and watch for the guy with the cards. That is my man. :-D


Friday, January 2, 2009

The Dog Whisperer

So I have been watching the Dog Whisperer this week and each and every time I am amazed at what he can do. He truly has a gift with dogs. He makes me want to own a dog, but even more than that, it makes me want to have a home appropriate for a dog first.

Here are a few lessons I have learned from watching Dog Whisperer:

1. Most of the time the problem is with the owner NOT the dog.
2. Be confident and project what you want to happen. When that is done it will happen.
3. Almost like yoda said don't Don't say you will try. Make it happen!
4. Every dog is wonderful and no dog is a lost cause.
5. Pit bulls are not bad dogs.
6. Before buying a dog look into the history of each dog type that you are interested in. Some dogs are meant to be run and played with a lot while other dogs are good dogs to have in apartments and "just" go on walks with. Look into the past and make sure your choice of dog is right for you so that you can be right for the dog.
7. Small dogs can often be the most vicious.

So that is a few points about the show that I have come to love. This is an amazing show and even if you aren't a dog lover, you will be once you have watched this show.

Here is the link to his website if you wish to visit it and support his cause.

My fun day

So today was a productive day. And I am not saying that in a sarcastic manner like I normally would if I went to work. :-P I did some major cleaning and tossing today and I can tell you that I am quite proud of myself. It reminded me a lot of the show Clean House where a crew comes in to help people clean up and you watch people getting all sentimental with their junk. Well I found myself starting to do that as I cleaned.

I found several shirts from DC Talk concerts I went to and I was like "Yeah but I got it at the concert. I can't get rid of that." Then I would roll my eyes, realizing that the shirt isn't what gives me my memories. I am not going to lose my memories of the concerts if I get rid of the tshirt and if someone else can use it and be warm or feel a bit better...then they need it. Especially if it doesn't fit me anymore. -laughs-

I also found clothing that I had forgotten I had that DOES still fit me. I was uber excited about that. I also found a lot of stuff that brought back memories, like pictures of me when I was really little, a Ghostbuster comforter that used to be my brother's when he was little, a poetry book from high school, and things from the first school I taught in.

It is fun to go through the things, remembering, smiling, just enjoying. But it is also almost a relief with each thing I threw away. Granted it looked more a mess then I started with but once everything was crated out to the garbage, I felt better and it looked better.

I hate cleaning. I really do. But I have felt this week that I would take this time and really clean. My kitchen is clean, my guest bedroom is clean, even my bedroom is clean. Now I have to work on the big project of the living room. And most is good. It is just that one corner, you knowt he corner everyone has somewhere in their home? Well mine is in my living room. Wish me luck! I will be working on that tomorrow and this weekend. to bed. Night all!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008,... Hello 2009

So my first blog of 2009. You can tell I am living on the edge. :-)

Well I watched the NYC Ball drop and I have to say that it is always is so cool and yet part of me is so sad. I am saddened to see Dick Clark in the shape he is in. And yet at the same time I am so inspired by him being there, by him continuing to do what he loves.

I also get sad thinking about all that happened and didn't happen in 2008. I think of the loss of a beloved pet, Hercule. I think of how he was with us last year at this time and now he has gone on to a better place.

But I also know that in 2008 great things happened. Robin and Paul got Sam, a Pomeranian puppy. He is a cute puppy that everyone falls in love with over and over again. My mom and dad also adopted a cat, Daisy, from the SPCA. So not only did they get a new cat but they saved a cat and gave her a wonderful home where she will be loved and cared for. is a new year. New things ahead of us....ahead of me, the town I live in, the state and it's people, the country and the world. And yes, at times like these we think about new beginnings, the future and the past, we think about what will happen and what has happened. But I guess each day that we wake up is a new beginning for each of us. We don't have to make new years resolutions about losing weight, doing this, and doing that. Each day, we should wake up and strive to do the best we can.....whether in personal or professional life.

Each day should be a new beginning, a new start....and shouldn't each day we wake up....shouldn't we be just as excited, just as elated as when that crystal ball drops in NYC? I think so. Each day is a new dawn, a new day to take on the challenges we have before us. But instead of meeting them with fear and trepidation, let's go at them with excitement and new life.

Let's take on the world!!